Asking Price: $65,000 USD USA Dollars
Industry: Services: Financial, Accounting, Insurance
Year Established: 1997
# of Employees: 5
Yearly Cash Flow: $33,000
Yearly Gross Income: $118,000
This is a service business that is ready to grow into a major enterprise. It is a seasonal business but can be the base for many other personal service businesses and operate full-time, year-round. But, many of the owners of this kind of business do so part time or absentee and make very good incomes. The franchisor will provide complete training so prior experience is not required. The owner will also train, and experienced employees return each season to provide the tax preparation services.
Additional Details:
The property is leased.
The owner is willing to train/assist the new owner.
The owner is not willing to work for the new owner.
This is not a homebased business opportunity.
This is a franchise resale opportunity.
This is not a distressed business or bankruptcy situation.
TAX PREPERATION FRANCHISE Services: Financial, Accounting, Insurance Fairfax, VA