Standard of Values based on the Evaluation Types
Fair Market (FME) Current Value/Current Worth
- (FME) Fair Market Evaluations are based on a thorough analysis of all assets:
Condition of asset, current market replacement cost, and availability. Current trends of market depreciation values which includes volatility and stability of market. National comparisons based on the business commodity or asset being appraised.
This evaluation helps in acquiring insurance values for replacement, court support information or lending institution finance values.
Investment Value (IVE) Shareholder Investment or Selling a Business
- (IVE) Investment Value Evaluations are based on analysis which include the following: Tangible asset values, income values, add back benefits, future recasting values, depreciation values, good will and many other factors which build value or loss to the Business being evaluated. These foundations vary depending on the way the business is structured to sell.
This evaluation is used for future investment criteria's (shares sold) to prepare your business for expansion or to submit in investor applications. Most commonly it is used to determine proper values of a business for financial consideration of purchase or sale.
Your Broker will assist in finding the highest value for your Business Assets. Depending on the way your business is sold, changes the value considerably. Selling as a Current Operating System or through a Merger/Acquisition, will
impact the value of your long term investment. Do you want to know the difference? Call us TODAY!